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We have been using the Eventpedia app to run our Golf Business Annual Conference for the past several years. It has proven to be flexible and easy to use from initial setup though loading speakers, sponsors, attendees, and session details. Attendees especially love the app and it’s ease of use. TJ and the Eventpedia team have been wonderful to work with.

Thomas L. Smith JR.
Chief Operating Officer
National Golf Course Owners Association (NGCOA)

Before we started using Eventpedia, I used the app for a different conference and really felt it enhanced my conference experience. Since then, we’ve utilized this for one of our big conferences and now we are using it for our entire organization’s events! We love that the company is continuing to grow and provide other services compatible with the event apps such as virtual conferences! It’s been a great.

Jessica Wood
Operations Manager
Via Generosity

Before we started using Eventpedia, I used the app for a different conference and really felt it enhanced my conference experiea At AALS, we are working hard to create an enriching and memorable attendee experience at our Annual Meetings. Integrated with NetForum, Eventpedia’s mobile app has improved the way we plan and market our meeting. It has become an essential tool both for our attendees and for us as organizers. nce. Since then, we’ve utilized this for one of our big conferences and now we are using it for our entire organization’s events! We love that the company is continuing to grow and provide other services compatible with the event apps such as virtual conferences! It’s been a great.

Erick Brown and Marisa Guevara-Michalski
Association of American Law School

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